Based on the brutalist concrete landmark nightclub in Sheffield, reportedly the largest in Europe.
It is now the Odeon Cinema, between Arundel Gate and Pond Street.
Elaine Hanks is a fashionable signature that contain lowercase, uppercase, symbol, and also support multi language. There's a lot ligatures in this font. Elaine Hanks also comes with doodle font that you can use to make a logo for branding, beautiful fashion design, suitable for wedding invitation, or handwritten quote. Also already PUA Encoded. Plus 12 Premade logo for you!
Foreign Languages Support: ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ
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Download Elaine Hanks Fonts Family From Sarid Ezra |
Download City Boys Fonts Family From Dharma Type |
Download City Boys Soft Fonts Family From Dharma Type |
Claude Arroyo
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